The York Suburban Dollars for Scholars program qualifies as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible. In addition to our general fund, you can choose to give to our endowment fund, which is used to support recipients beyond their first year of college. Or you may choose to support a particular named fund established through our chapter to support YS students.
Donations may be given as a lump-sum payment, appreciated stock or property, or bequests in your will or in your estate plan.
Groups may choose to commemorate a loved one or represent an alumni class by establishing an endowed fund so that scholarships can be given annually in perpetuity.
Make your check donations payable to York Suburban Dollars for Scholars and mail to:
York Suburban Dollars for Scholars
1800 Hollywood Drive
York, PA 17403
**You may also donate online by clicking the link below.