Awards are derived from public donations and no school or tax revenues are used. Over $500,000 has been deposited in the York County Community Foundation, for the Endowment Fund which will provide future stability and a perpetual funding source. The YCCF provides investment advice and guidance.
200 students have benefited from the program's scholarships. $688,750 in scholarships have been awarded to York Suburban students. The program's expenses are very low since most expenses are paid by volunteers. Expenses paid by the program are mainly membership fees to national and audit fees. The York Suburban Dollars for Scholars program qualifies as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible. Donations may be given as a lump-sum payment, appreciated stock or property, or bequests in your will or in your estate plan.
Make your check donations payable to York Suburban Dollars for Scholars:
York Suburban Dollars for Scholars
1800 Hollywood Parkway
York, PA 17403